The 2010 Katyń Families Association

Ewa Błasik widow of late General Andrzej Blasik, Commander of The Polish Air Force, gave a moving speech during the public hearing on the Smolensk Crash held in Brussels on the 28th of March 2012 for which she was awarded great applause and a standing ovation.

Ewa Błasik widow of late General Andrzej Blasik, Commander of The Polish Air Force, gave a moving speech during the public hearing on the Smolensk Crash held in Brussels on the 28th of March 2012 for which she was awarded great applause and a standing ovation. In addition, Ewa Błasik received from representatives the Polish community in Great Britain 96 white and red roses as a “small part of compensation” for the sufferings which she experienced from the hand of the Polish authorities.

Ewa Błasik, the widow of the late Gen. Andrzej Błasik, the Commander of the Polish Air Force, referred to slanders and misinformation. ‘A merciless campaign of misinformation had started minutes after the crash. Russians destroyed the honour of the Polish soldiers and of the Polish Air Force with cruel premeditation. The Russian and Polish campaign was a modern example of Stalinist propaganda’, said Ewa Blasik. ‘The Polish government remained silent and did not react to this smear campaign against my late husband. Furthermore, the Polish government allowed for this cruel campaign to be further spread and heated up. I was left on my own to defend the honour of the Polish soldiers and pilots. Despite the dramatic circumstances, I could not expect any help from my country’s authorities’, she added.

Watch the public hearing here