- The Smolensk Conferences. A Preliminary Summary and Conclusion
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- Smolensk Reader's Digest. 23 pages, all the facts.
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A district court in Warsaw has ruled that the case regarding the preparations for the tragic April 2010 flight to Smolensk, Russia, should be reopened. Investigations have shown that the flight was poorly prepared and that severe “irregularities” had occurred.
The prosecutors handling the case in June of last year had closed the case, citing “lack of criminal intent” regarding those who organized the flight from the civil side. (A separate investigation is being led by military prosecutors, looking at responsibility within the armed forces, as the Tu-154M plane itself operated under the Ministry of Defence. Charges have been filed in that case) Family members of the victims, including, Jarosław Kaczyński and Marta Kaczyński – the twin brother and the daughter of President Lech Kaczyński – objected to the decision. The court ruled in their favour.
In June, the district court of Warsaw-Praga had ruled that charges could not be pressed as no one had been awarded “victim status.” However, the court has now awarded this status to families of the crash victims.
Investigations have shown that the flight was poorly prepared – prior to the trip, a proper flight plan was not filed, and that severe “irregularities” had occurred in the organisation of the flight.
The civil portion of the case includes officials and employees of many state agencies, including the chancelleries of the prime minister and president, the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Polish Embassy in Russia.
Warsaw Business Journal
Polish Radio,Opposition-party-welcomes-reopened-Smolensk-disaster-probe
Fot. East News