The 2010 Katyń Families Association

On the 5th December, Military investigators admitted to Members of Parliament during a sitting of the Justice Committee that detectors traced TNT in the wreckage of the plane.



The White House snubs the appeal of the Polish Nation to support the establishment of an international investigation of the Smolensk 2010 air crash.



Below please find a list of deaths related to the Smolensk crash.



Personal belongings of victim confirm presence of TNT says family member after two independent U.S analysis.



The Polish military prosecutors exhumed remains of two victims of the 2010 Smolensk plane crash - bringing the total count to nine so far.



Warsaw’s District Military Prosecutor’s Office, threatening with criminal proceedings, warned Central Bureau of Investigation (CBŚ) experts not to disclose results of performed research that lead to the discovery of explosives traces on the Tu-154 plane wreckage. >>


New study shows 36% of Poles believe that the Presidential plane crash in Smolensk was an assassination.



Polish Military Prosecutor's Office in Poznan has initiated a case against prosecutors from the Warsaw Military Prosecutor's Office for obstruction of criminal proceedings.



Muś as witness reported that the Russian control tower gave permission to descend to the "decision-making height" of 50m, despite regulation. This alone contradicts both Russian & Polish official governmental investigation reports. Both claimed the controller did not allow  to descend below 100m. >>


On October 30, Rzeczpospolita daily ran its front page article suggesting that traces of TNT and nitro-glycerine had been discovered on the debris of the presidential plane that crashed in Smolensk.

