The 2010 Katyń Families Association

The Polish committee investigating the circumstances of the Smolensk crash was created and operated pursuant to provisions that are contradictory to aviation law. With the Miller's committee being illegal, its final report has no legal basis.



Autopsy documentation in some cases revealed emphysema, diagnosed and manifested as a result of alveolar destruction.



The Military Prosecution Office in Warsaw requested in 2010 an expert opinion from an American geoinformation company SmallGis. The expert report that was sent back to the Polish Military Prosecution was entitled “likely sites of explosions” >>


"Death of the President" of the "Mayday Air Crash Investigation" documentary series raises controversy. The movie reconstructs the events based on a political screening adaptation of both Polish (Miller's Commission) and Russian (MAK) governmental reports.



Military Prosecutor's Office confirme that General Andrzej Blasik had no effect on the operation of the flight crew, explicitly denying all Russian and Polish governmental report speculations.


One of the episodes entitled "Death of the President" of the "Mayday. Air Crash Investigation" documentary series aired on National Geographic Channel on Jan 27th 2013, devoted to the Smolenk crash has raised much controversy in Poland. >>


Before the Tu154M departure to Smolensk, the Military Intelligence Service received notice in April 2010 of a possible abduction/hijacking threat to one of the EU Member States' aircraft.



Studies by the Internal Security Agency, Military Prosecution and Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Headquarters reveal no evidence pointing to any interference in the continuity of the recording. >>


The distribution of the wreckage debris on location of the crash site (video). Pointing to explosions on board the plane whilst still in flight as the most probable cause of the crash.



Since the first moments after the crash, various efforts were made to cloud the truth about the causes and the course of events of the crash. Here's a brief list.
