The 2010 Katyń Families Association

After an exhumation conducted in 2012, after a subsequent reburial and now after over 4 years, the location of the body of Anna Walentynowicz is still unknown. So far, 9 exhumations of Smolensk victims have been carried out, with 6 bodies buried in the wrong graves and one body still missing. Now, family members of all the victims cannot be certain as to the location of their relatives.


The claim was made in a report that was published as Poland commemorated the fourth anniversary of the plane crash that claimed the lives of President Lech Kaczynski and dozens from the country's political, military and civil elite. >>


A plane crash at Smolensk in Russia four years ago wiped out the Warsaw leadership. It used to be seen as an accident. Now, after Putin’s games in Ukraine, people aren’t so sure.

by Will Cathcart >>


After the Smolensk plane crash, the speed with which the disaster became relegated to “yesterday’s news” was stunning. An uninformed observer might conclude that what happened at Smolensk was but a minor incident, and didn’t involve the deaths of Poland’s president, and almost one hundred members of the military and political elite of a key U.S.-Central European ally on NATO’s border with Russia. --- by Pawel Styrna



According to Rzeczpospolita daily, after four years of examining the case prosecutors are unable to estimate when the investigation may end. Experts refuse to issue opinions without being able to examine original evidence, including among others CVR and wreckage of the airplane, and without their opinion the investigation cannot be closed.



The Supreme Military Prosecution Office disclosed an opinion drawn up by experts indicating that General Andrzej Błasik (Commander of the Polish Air Force at the time), the crew of Tu-154M and the officers of the Government Protection Bureau were fully sober at the time of the Smolensk crash.



Months after the crash there are still far more questions than answers regarding the issue of satellite photos of the crash site.



At the Dublin Institute of Technologies in February 2014, Prof. Wieslaw Binienda from the United States summarised findings of several scientists from all over the world who undertook research on various aspects of the Smolensk crash in various fields of expertise.


Dr. Gajewski, Engineer: "The fundamental flaw lies in the fact that the Tupolev crash has not been investigated." An interview with an International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI) expert.


According to a report by Polish archaeologists working at the Smolensk crash site in October 2010, the Tu154M plane fell apart into app. 20 thousand fragments.

